To track a refund, tap on 'All transactions' (or any other section of the app where you can tap on the transaction), select the transaction you're expecting a refund for, then just tap 'Track a refund'. Alternatively, you can tap the bell icon on the homepage, then tap 'Create or edit a custom highlight', then tap 'Track a refund'.
You can input the amount you expect to be refunded and can add a note to the tracker. Once you’ve entered this info, tap ‘Continue’ and you’ll be able to enter when you’re expecting the refund (e.g. in seven days or before a certain date).
You’ll then receive an alert when I think you’ve gotten the refund or I’ll alert you if you haven’t received it in the time period you were expecting. If it’s not the right refund, you can let me know.
If you want to edit any of your refund alerts, just tap the bell icon on the homepage, tap the pencil icon on the refund alert and press 'Delete'.
On the basic version of Snoop, you can only set up one refund alert at a time. With Snoop Plus, you can set up as many as you'd like!
Snoop Plus is available for £4.99/month or £39.99/year.